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uliGo 0.3 is a program to practice Go problems.

30 problems from Jan van der Steen's site

Here are 30 more problems that you can use with uliGo; just copy the file to the sgf subdirectory. They have been made available by Jan van der Steen (here). They come from an advertisement in the Kido magazine, and to the best of my knowledge are freely distributable. They were put into SGF format by Dan Stromberg.

Download: kido.sgf (3KB).

Classical Go Problems

Here you can find more problems from classical collections. I am grateful to the Flygo website for making these problems available for download and for allowing me to distribute the problems here.

If you own Cho's Encyclopedia of Life and Death on disk, you can use the program below to translate it into SGF format. Again, you will need Python. A similar program, cho2sgf.c, was written by Bill Shubert (in C), and is mostly just a translation of Bill's program. It is published under the GNU General Public License, and it comes WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.

It uses David Goodgers library. takes the main database ("abc") of the Encyclopedia and writes its problems into four SGF files: abc-el.sgf, abc-im.sgf, abc-adv.sgf, abc-oth.sgf. These contain the elementary, intermediate, advanced, and non-classified problems, respectively. It also writes information about which variations are correct and which are wrong to the files, in the format that is used by uliGo. So you can just copy the SGF files into uliGo's sgf directory, and use them.

Of course, the Encyclopedia of Life and Death itself is copyrighted and is not freely distributable. It is available from Kiseido and Het Paard. It contains nearly 3000 problems, from the very easy to most difficult problems. I definitely recommend it!


cho2sgf.tar.gz (29KB), (33KB).

Usage: Unpack the file in the directory with the files from the Encyclopedia, and run it (with 'python').

Last modified: Saturday, 28-Feb-2004 13:18:21 CET. Contact: To my homepage. Also check out Kombilo, a go database program which I have written.