uliGo 0.3 is a program to practice Go problems.
Furthermore, there is now a Windows installer, so you do not have to have Python installed on your computer in order to use uliGo.
Windows On Windows machines, it is probably easiest to use the installer, which has Python bundled into it. For more information, see the new uliGo download page. Download installer (2.3MB).
Linux/Other platforms To run uliGo, you need to have the Python programming language installed on your computer (version 2.1 or better). You can get it at the Python website. A few more hints are available.
Once you have Python installed, all you need to do is to download the .tar.gz file(Linux) resp. one of the .zip files (Windows, Macintosh) below and unpack it. A directory named uligo03 will be created. This directory will contain the documentation (uligo.doc) and all the files you need to run the program. Start it with "python uligo.py". On a Windows machine, you should be able to start it by double-clicking the 'uligo.pyw' file, or by using a command like "c:\python21\python uligo.pyw". More information is available here.
uligo03.tar.gz (340KB)
uligo03.zip (for Windows) (340KB)
uligo03.zip (340KB)
(The only difference between the two zip files is that in the first one the main file is called "uligo.pyw", so that, under Windows, double-clicking this file will open the program without opening a console window.)
Download: kido.sgf (3KB).
It uses David Goodgers sgflib.py library.
cho2sgf.py takes the main database ("abc") of the Encyclopedia and writes its problems into four SGF files: abc-el.sgf, abc-im.sgf, abc-adv.sgf, abc-oth.sgf. These contain the elementary, intermediate, advanced, and non-classified problems, respectively. It also writes information about which variations are correct and which are wrong to the files, in the format that is used by uliGo. So you can just copy the SGF files into uliGo's sgf directory, and use them.
Of course, the Encyclopedia of Life and Death itself is copyrighted and is not freely distributable. It is available from Kiseido and Het Paard. It contains nearly 3000 problems, from the very easy to most difficult problems. I definitely recommend it!
cho2sgf.tar.gz (29KB), cho2sgf.zip (33KB).
Usage: Unpack the file in the directory with the files from the Encyclopedia, and run it (with 'python cho2sgf.py').